A Social Registry is a directory of names and addresses of prominent American families who form the social elite, (socialites). Until very recently it did not include those of the political or corporate elite. We tend to put a Nouveau Riche' edge to this definition by bringing you a luxury and lifestyle publication that consists of lifestyle, fashion, travel, beauty, and most importantly philanthropy and much more.
Our chief goal is to provide quality based content that encourages people to not only live better lives, but to give better, because there’s no point of having a fabulous life if you can’t use that power to help others.
Inclusion in the Social Register was formerly a guide to the members of "polite society" (or those with "old money") in the "Social Register cities" of Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton, Detroit, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, Providence, St. Louis, St. Paul, San Francisco, and Seattle, as well as ones for Southern California and "Southern Cities".
Are YOU Listed???
This page will list names & cities and links to known Socialites we've showcase and listed in the actual registry.